I'm inviting you to my sacred space to share the wisdom within my bones...

I invite you to join me as I open my heart and my journals to share personal spiritual reflections, creative practices, mystical experiences and views of our circumstances as women, living in a world where the patriarchy is in its death throes.

On the first of each month during this four-month series, I will post a video presentation from my sacred space to share and explore excerpts from my journals spanning my forty-year journaling practice.

I will open my journals to offer glimpses of personal stories, prayers, poetry, dreams and mystical experiences, as well as, teachings from my early and current work.

My intention is to fortify your spirit with renewed energy, purpose, prayers, practices, creativity and vision for the critical transformational time we are living in.

The curated selections I have chosen for this program were made with you in mind. I offer them for your reflection and inspiration, as a wise woman at this moment in herstory.

An optional monthly Zoom Circle will provide the opportunity for community sharing of our women's bone wisdom. Journal prompts pertaining to the month's focus will be provided for your exploration. Additional extensive resources will be included.

It is my hope for this program to inspire your contemplation of the wisdom within your bones.

Course content each month will include...

  • A video presentation
  • Journal prompts
  • Resources for enrichment
  • Monthly Zoom Circle for discussion and sharing

Journal Harvest

Each month's focus for this course will begin with a harvested excerpt from one of my journals. Poetry, dreams, and mystical insights will set the tone for our discussion and sharing of our bone wisdom.

Spiritual Inspiration and Practices

The monthly video presentation will include exploration of spiritual practices, resources, and insights pertaining to: Symbols, Archetypes, Cosmology, Alchemy and more.

Creative Inspiratio

The value of creative expression at this time on earth is both life-giving and essential for upliftment of the spirit. We will share our "creative" bone wisdom as we explore sacred art-making and the crafts of our hands and hearts


  Sibyl's Invitation to Bone Wisdom
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Gathering of Bone Wisdom: Ancestors and the Numinous
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Illumination of Bone Wisdom: The Call of Spirit
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Marrow of Bone Wisdom: The Mystical Experience
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Expression of Bone Wisdom: Sacred Practices and Making
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Sibyl Reynolds

For thirty-five years, as an author, spiritual director and passionate journal-keeper, I have shared spiritual and creative practices with women through my books, online courses, sacred art-making and residential retreats. As retired bishop and the foundress of a spiritual and contemplative women's global community, Belle Coeur Sisterhood, I believe when a woman creates time and space to contemplate, write, and respond…transformation occurs. It’s the work and joy of my heart to offer sacred, prayerful, study and practices as pathways to discovery for a woman’s personal interior journey.