PCS 310- Celebrating the Sacred Feminine in your life
This course provides a rich resource for exploring the experience of God within the Christian tradition in Scripture, the mystics, contemporary writings and in your life.
All genders are created in God's image and are therefore, capable of reflecting divine All-Embracing- Love in every area of life and in ordained ministries.
This course invites participants to reflect on the personification of the sacred feminine in biblical and mystical images in the Christian tradition, and to articulate their own spiritual experiences of the incomprehensible mystery of divinity within-all around- and beyond- in creative reflections including poetry, prayer, song, dance and journaling.
Celebrating the Sacred Feminine is available as a private retreat, an independent study, or as a course for sharing in a cohort model. Cohorts meet regularly in a Zoom video conference to share insights on their meditations. For those taking this program as an independent study or retreat, Bridget Mary will be available to respond to your reflections and to share with you in Zoom conversations.
Dr. Bridget Mary Meehan
Course Instructor
Rev. Dr. Bridget Mary Meehan, MA, D.Min, ARCWP, a Sister for Christian Community, is one of the founding members of the People’s Catholic Seminary. She is a member of the pastoral team at Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community in Sarasota, Florida. Bridget Mary presides at liturgies, officiates at weddings and offers sacramental ministry. She is an author of twenty books including The Healing Power of Prayer: New and Expanded Edition and Praying with Women of the Bible. Her work in communications media include programs about women priests on Google and YouTube. She is dean of the D. Min. and M.Div programs for Global Ministries University. Bridget Mary was ordained a priest in the first USA ordination in Pittsburgh on July 31, 2006 and was ordained a bishop in Santa Barbara, California on April 19, 2009. Her blog is http://bridgetmarys.blogspot.com/
Example Curriculum
- Welcome and Introduction (1:54)
- Retreat/Course Format and Zoom Link (2:48)
- Video: Martha Ann Kirk - Feminine Images of God in Bible with Creative Dance (1:33)
- The Divine Feminine Returns- Discovering God as Mother
- Who Are You, God?
- Resources for Going Deeper
- Books and Inclusive Music by Jann Aldredge-Clanton
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy for Mary of Magdala Feast on Zoom
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- Beatitudes- Zoom -
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- Holy Thursday- Zoom
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy - Easter Vigil- Zoom
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- Ecological Justice- Season of Creation
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- "It is love that matters." Easter Season
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- St. Brigid of Kildare
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- All Saints Day
- MMOJ Inclusive Liturgy- Christmas