Ash Wednesday Rituals
Imposition of Stardust
(to help participants remember that they are made of the stuff of stars, consider added some glitter to your traditional mixture of ashes)
Traditionally, our Ash Wednesday concludes with the Imposition of Ashes.
For generations, the followers of Jesus bore the mark of the cross drawn with ashes to signify our intention to follow Jesus into the wilderness and beyond that to the cross,
in the hope of resurrection.
Our world is filled with crosses, instruments of death, and crucifixion sites.
Today, I invite you to bear the sign of the cross to signify your intention to CHOOSE LIFE.
Remembering that beyond death, indeed out of death, life is continuously reborn.
We are the stuff of dead stars, stardust reborn, to spring forth into the world.
Remember that you are stardust and to stardust you shall return.
Trace the sign of the cross on your forehead.
If you have ashes, or glitter, or water, or just you finger.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. CHOOSE LIFE.