PCS 605 - Introduction to Pastoral Care 2
This course is presented in a cohort model.
This 12-week course builds upon the basic elements of pastoral care in Intro to Pastoral Care Part 1. In this course, we will go deeper in our exploration of the foundations of pastoral caregiving. This course will also provide a framework by which you can begin to develop your own pastoral caregiving ministry further. There will be a greater emphasis on applied pastoral care skills and possibilities for a supervised practicum.
Rev. Lily Godsoe, DTh, BCCCÂ
Rev. Lily Godsoe is an Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Director, Board-Certified Clinical Chaplain and Supervisor in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).  Rev. Lily is the President of CSCPF - The Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation, an international community of spiritual care practitioners that educates chaplains and teaches CPE.  She received the call to ministry through her encounters at the bedside as a Zen Hospice volunteer and recovery-based outreach work.  Rev. Lily has worked as a chaplain in various clinical settings, including hospices, rehabilitation centers, and skilled nursing facilities.  Currently serving as a community minister, she lives in Northern California with her husband, James, and their dog, Tito.
In this 12 week course participants will dialogue on the following topics:
What is Pastoral Care?
Pastoral Caregiving Skills
Grief, Loss, and Solastalgia
Expressions of Pastoral Care
Example Curriculum
Related Courses
This course is available as an independent study.