
The Awakened Brain | Dr. Lisa Miller | Feed Your Head

Listen to this 30 minute presentation by Dr. Lisa Miller who presents the key concepts in her book.

Spirituality battles depression | Professor Lisa Miller on Spirituality and Neuroscience

The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller: 8 Minute Summary

Reflection: The Awakened Brain and the Call to Spiritual Awareness by Lisa Miller with references from theologian Ilia Delio

Scripture Reading: Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect."

In her book The Awakened Brain, Dr. Lisa Miller presents a compelling vision of how neuroscience reveals the deep connection between our minds and our spirituality. She argues that our brains are wired for spiritual awareness, and when we nurture this innate capacity, we experience greater resilience, meaning, and well-being. This scientific perspective aligns beautifully with Paul’s exhortation in Romans: the transformation of the mind is not merely an intellectual exercise but a spiritual awakening that attunes us to God’s presence in our lives.

Dr. Miller’s research highlights the difference between an "achieving brain" and an "awakened brain." The achieving brain is conditioned to seek external success, to measure worth by accomplishments, and to depend solely on personal control. The awakened brain, on the other hand, recognizes a deeper reality, a presence greater than oneself, and opens the heart to guidance beyond the ego’s limited perspective.

This vision resonates with the work of theologian Ilia Delio, who integrates science and faith, particularly through the lens of Teilhard de Chardin’s evolutionary theology. Delio suggests that consciousness is evolving toward greater unity with the divine and that human transformation occurs when we move from self-centered awareness to a participatory, relational existence with God (Delio, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being). She describes this as "deep incarnation," where the divine is not external but interwoven within creation itself.

When we embrace the awakened brain, we align with what Delio describes as "the God of the future"—a God who is drawing all things toward unity and love. This means that spiritual awakening is not an escape from the world but a fuller engagement with it, seeing Christ in all things and responding to life with compassion, trust, and openness.

So how do we cultivate an awakened brain? Lisa Miller suggests practices such as prayer, meditation, and time spent in nature—all of which quiet the striving mind and open us to a sense of divine connection. Delio, likewise, calls for a contemplative consciousness, one that is deeply aware of the interconnectivity of all life and attuned to the divine presence in the ordinary.

As we reflect on Paul’s words—"be transformed by the renewing of your mind"—we see that spiritual awakening is not merely a mystical experience but a way of being in the world. To have an awakened brain is to live with trust, to see beyond fear, and to recognize that we are part of a greater unfolding story. It is to embrace life not as a series of obstacles to be conquered but as a sacred journey guided by God’s love.

May we cultivate an awakened mind and heart, that we might be transformed and become agents of God’s healing and renewal in the world. Amen.


·      Miller, Lisa. The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life. Random House, 2021.

·      Delio, Ilia. The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution, and the Power of Love. Orbis Books, 2013.

·      Romans 12:2, NRSV.

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