Rev. Susan's lecture

The Tool of Presence.pdf
Presence- The Untethered Soul.pdf

Please write a 250-500 word reflection on at least 2 of these questions:

1.) How would you define ‘the self’ as we use the term in Pastoral Care?

2.) The metaphor of thistles and flowers is linked to transference, counter transference and projection. In what way is your awareness of your own thistles and flowers useful when providing pastoral care companioning? In what way is your lack of awareness a hindrance? 

3.) Create your own version of daily energetic protection and share here.

4.) Give an example from your own life of an “elastic boundary” i.e. one that you needed to 

re-position with someone in your life due to changes in the relationship.

5.) Give an example from your own life of a time you realized your spiritual practice had become so habitual that you did it without full attention and intention. How did you change it?

6.) What is the relationship between presence and deep listening?

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