
A Book for Growing and Sharing by Bridget Mary Meehan

 A warm welcome to We Make the Road by Walking:  a year -long quest for spiritual formation, reorientation and activation!

As we begin, let us make a new road by walking it together- discussing, learning and sharing to explore new possibilities and developing unfulfilled potential. Let us discover new resources to bless, inspire and enliven. Let us share our faith, hope and love!

Here are a few important themes from Introduction that inspired me:

The Spirit of God works everywhere to bring and restore aliveness.

Before Christianity was associated with buildings, budgets or mega-churches:

The Jesus movement was a revolutionary non-violent movement promoting aliveness on the margins of society. It dared to honor women, children and unmarried adults. It elevated slaves to equality with slave masters. It challenged religious taboos that divided people into in and out, good and bad, clean and unclean. It claimed that everyone had God-given gifts to share for the common good. Their focus was on mutual service and mutual responsibility, people before prophets and on an Earth that belonged to the Creator.

It was a people's seminary that equipped the oppressed and the oppressors to become partners in their mutual liberation.

The Jesus movement also expanded the role of women and grew through women leaders like Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Junia, and the house church leaders named in Romans 16.

The Jesus movement continued to grow through the monastic , Celtic movements, Protestant Reformation and Social Justice Movements:

The Jesus movement continues to grow through us today as we make the Road by Walking! Let us enjoy the journey together!




Welcome to this year-long scripture study inspired by Brian McLaren's Book: We Make The Road By Walking: A year-long quest for spiritual formation.

The text is currently available in Kindle and on Amazon and on-line used book stores.

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