Welcome Message
Welcome to PCS 403: Baptism and Confirmation
by Dr. Bridget Mary Meehan
Hello, I am Bridget Mary Meehan.
Welcome to PCS 403: Baptism and Confirmation.
In this course , you will explore the development of the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.
According to New Testament writing, the early Christina communities introduced new members into their communities by baptizing them. It was not until the fifth century that another theology of baptism developed that focused on baptism as the way to the remove original sin.
Contemporary theology emphasizes original blessing, not original sin.
From conception, every human and living being is loved, cherished and blessed. This is the theology we present in this course.
We offer readings and videos by prophetic authors and theologians like Greg Boyle, Ilia Delio, Martin Luther King , Joan Chittister, Bernard Cooke and many others.
The assignment for each section asks you to share your responses to the course material. We ask: what thoughts or ideas from this source challenged, encouraged, helped or surprised you?
It is our hope that this course will support pastoral leaders to articulate the meaning of Baptism and Confirmation for living the Gospel in the 21st century. It is also our objective to help pastoral leader to develop contemporary baptism and confirmation rituals for their Christian Communities that reflect the heart of the call to live the Gospel as mystics, prophets and sacramental celebrators of life today.
Thank you.